Books we read

The Not So Quiet Library by Zachariah Ohora
Llama Llama Loves to Read by Anna Dewdney
The Book Hog by Greg Pizzoli
Songs we sang
Clap Them
Clap them, clap them, clap them so
Clap them high
Clap them low
Clap them left
Clap them right
Clap them, clap them, out of sight
Repeat with: shake them, roll them, etc. (I use this song with egg shakers sometimes)
Credit: King County Library System
If You’re a Reader and You Know it
If you’re a reader and you know it, clap your hands
If you’re a reader and you know it, clap your hands
If you’re a reader and you know it and you really want to show it
If you’re a reader and you know it, clap your hands
(shoot hooray, read a book)
Credit: Storytime Katie
I Love it When You Read to Me
Oh, I love it when you read to me,
Read to me, read to me.
Oh,I love it when you read to me,
Please read me some more.
Credit: Jbrary
Flannel Board

Five little books at the library
Five little books as fun as can be
Along came someone to check one out
So many things to read about!
Early Literacy Tip
Read with your child every day and even make it part of a daily routine like before a nap or before bed. When reading to them, if they do not want to read, just stop, and continue later. This enforces positive thinking with reading, and they will be more likely to enjoy reading and become readers later in life.
How it went
This was a great storytime. I love the books I chose, the songs were easy for them to follow and join in on, and the rhyme for the flannel board was simple and the kids love helping me count down from 5. If I were to do anything differently, I would probably do more books in the same colors so we could do a pattern activity or make 10 books so the kids could take turns coming up to take a book back to their seat with them. (They love helping me with the flannel boards)
I am starting to do less themes, but library week is definitely one I will stick with.
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