This week, the parks and rec in my town hosted a Trick-or-Treat event at my library. I knew a lot of kids would be coming through and I wanted to have some activities ready for them.
First, I made a spooky scavenger hunt! I made shapes out of construction paper, hid them around the youth area of the library, and made a checklist for them to complete as they found the images. When they found them all, they could come back and get a sticker. Kids of all ages LOVED the scavenger hunt and I got several comments from parents saying it was such a fun idea. I plan on doing these for every season if I can. (If you want the templates I made, shoot me an email).

Lastly, I wanted to do some sort of craft because I love crafting. I had to do it for free with what I already had in our office. We have tons of construction paper and yarn so I decided to go with a make a mummy station. It was as easy as tracing mummies onto black paper, cutting random lengths of yarn, and leaving out scissors, colored pencils, and glue to go along with them. I made a cute sign and a sample mummy and it was a hit. If you are looking for a last minute craft, I made 50 of them in about 2 hours.

What Halloween crafts have you done? Are you planning any for Thanksgiving?
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