I am way behind on this post, I know. I have gotten overwhelmed at work and with life, but here it is. Better late ...
This week was an alphabet themed storytime. We read ABC books and did a craft with foam letters. ...
Books we read Dive In!: A Topsy-Turvy-Say-It-Out-Loud Underwater Adventure by Recess Monkey (preschool) The Pout-Pout Fish Cleans Up the Ocean by Deborah Diesen (preschool) ...
I love colors and there are so many fun books and songs on this topic that I could do ten storytimes! ...
This week we did a yoga and movement storytime! I rented yoga mats from our library system so every kid got to use a ...
This week we read all about seeds and plants, did a flower counting flannelboard activity, and a tissue paper craft! ...
This week in storytime we learned about sorting objects and did an experiment about floating and sinking objects. ...
It was Saint Patrick’s week and I wanted to do a rainbow storytime, but I didn’t want to only read books about rainbows, so ...
Need a budget-friendly activity for toddlers? I am incorporating this one into my tiny STEAM program this summer for ages 0-3. The goal was ...
This week we read books you can sing and then made the kids' names into caterpillars! ...
About Me
My name is Kirsten
I work in the Youth Services department of a public library in Wisconsin. I create storytimes, flannel boards, and early literacy activities.